Michi Designer Knitwear by Michele Walden

Custom knitwear for all occasions. Michele M. Walden brings chic to the term "knitwear", through her Michi knitwear designs. With off-the-shoulder designs and hip-hugging evening attire, or loose and breezy, simmer afternoon wear, Michi knitwear makes a unique statement for all women ‚ tall, short, full figure or Petit.

More designs By Michi Designer KnitwearUSE This Form To contact Michi directly

Monday, January 14, 2013

BkFashion Week wants to know-Who is the Best in Brooklyn's Fashion Apparel Design and Style scene


We're designing aa awards to demorcratize teh recognition process and we'll be letting  YOu  make teh  Nominate and choose! 

We always get calls... asking us to recommend the best ... So it's time to seek out  VOTE and RECOGNIZE!.You can always sign up for updates @ our mailing list!

We're pulling together a list of trade categories that apply to BKSTyle "FADS" Fashion, Apparel, Design & Style Scene! We're also making it  possible for you to add you  voice!So why not  suggest a Category NOW (Closes January 19th 2013